Sunday, April 10, 2016

March 28th-April 10th

April 4th-10th

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: 1st Flatiron + Green Mtn 5.6 miles 2,740 

1st (17:20/1:55) still half asleep by the time I got to the rock. quickly woke up but had to stop and think about a few of the moves going under the ear that Cordis showed me on Sunday. I love the mixture of scrambling, power hiking, and running that this route provides.

Wednesday: 1st Flatiron + Green Mtn 7.9 miles - 2,854 ft

1st (15:39/1:27) Winds made me want to get off the rock quick. Almost a PR on the east face, still dialing it in. Took the long way home to get some extra miles. Had to take an unexpected bathroom stop....highly unpleasant. Easy effort down.

Thursday: 1st Flatiron time trial 2.5 miles - 1,535 ft (40ish mins)

1st (15:02/1:24) Pr'd on the east face + downclimb. 11th time starting from the direct start. Calm morning, nice running into Anton on the way up to the base.

Friday: 1st Flatiron + Green Mtn 5.3 miles - 2,638 ft 1hr 10mins

1st (14:05/1:28) ahh so close, really was shooting for a sub 14min scramble. Almost a minute PR from yesterday. Decided to gun it a bit on the downhill. Great morning.

Saturday: 1st Flatiron + Green Mtn 7.9 miles - 2,848 miles

1st (15:03/2:10) Feeling super sluggish on the rock and was dripping in sweat by the time I was at the top. Took it easy up to green and back down via the old bear green trail. I like mixing this route in for the extra mileage. Still being conservative with weekly mileage and building back at a steady rate. Hill had turned into an ant farm by the time I got back.

Sunday: 1st Flatiron + MA +Challenger + Green + 1st 5.9 miles - 4,354 ft

1st - 2nd (down) -MA (fail) - Challenger - Green Mtn - 1st 
Plan was to do some new to me classics and keep it easy for a little Sunday Recovery session.
1st (14:16/1:37) (15:02/1:20)
2nd (down 8:00)
Morning After: Got to the base of the roof crack and the whole thing was covered in ants all the way down to the tree. Scoped out the move and felt very confident to pull it, got a secure hand jam and immediately was swarmed by an insane amount of ants all over my arms and legs. Came back down and had to wipe all kinds of ants off my body. Crazy and disappointing because I knew I could of done the move with out all the damn ants.
Bushwhacked to scope out GMP, I think I would want rock shoes. Hit challenger, super fun finger crack. Tagged green and decided to lap the 1st again to make up for what happened earlier. 

Total: 35.4 miles -  8 hours 27 mins - 16,969 ft

Feeling good about this week effort, especially the vert. Big goal of this week coming up is to add a longer run somewhere in the mix and actually linkup Morning After haha.

March 28th- April 3rd

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: Green via Amphitheater + T-zero/West Bench 5.4 miles - 2,559 ft

Fantastic morning! Snow was in better condition then I though it was going to be. Harder packed up top, but softer and slushier coming down. Had to stop a few times on the ascent to stretch my left calf, super tight. Ran into Bill Wright on the way up to green! We stopped and chatted for a bit, such an awesome guy and inspiration. After the summit, ran down to the amphitheater to do some easy scrambling on dry rock. Hit t-zero, up the east face of the west bench (not sure what route, just up some crack) then climbed up the west face to 1st pinnacle. Just in time to get back for class.

Wednesday: Creek Path 4.1 miles - 6:43 pace

really digging the vibe while running through the wet snow this afternoon. I neglect the paths too much, they provide such an easy way to get out and get some flat miles in.

Thursday: Green Mtn via Amp 5.3 miles - 2,487 ft

Saw some fresh mountain lion tracks (or what appeared to be...) on the last few switchbacks up to green. I assumed it wasn't a dog because I think I was the first one up there this morning. Made me think of Joe Grant's encounter on the Wonderland Trail. Fresh snow over night made the downhill super fun, but the uphill was a slog.

Friday: 1st Flatiron 3 miles - 1,598ft

super rusty on the bottom of the 1st. Wet shoes make for a fun start. ( need to try the flake right above instead of stepping in the snow for my normal start).Seems like its been forever since my last lap of the 1st. Couple of moves seemed desperate, that are normally solid. Tomorrow should be better. Total slopfest heading up to the base. Forgot to start my watch on the bottom of the 1st. Who care though, would of been slow anyways. Chilled on the summit for a while. Gotta get back in the groove.

Saturday: 1st Flatiron + Green Mtn + Seal Rock 9.7 miles - 3,967ft

Sloppin' through the mud! 1st (18:07/2:13) Spent a good few minutes making sure my shoes were dry so I could get good purchase on the rock. Opening section went by way better than yesterday's go, but still dialing in the route.(although did it in like 15:30 2 weeks ago haha) No worries, only like my 6th time on the direct route. Followed the postholes up the social trail to Green, keeping it relaxed. Enjoyed the weather and the views at the top, + a gel. Bear canyon was awful! Conditions were all over the place. I couldn't establish any sort of flow. Missed the climbers trail up to Seal (first time up there) and marched up a steep grassy hill. More shoe drying...Super fun scrambling, finger crack was the highlight. Classic! The normal downclimb was caked in snow and ice. Walked further down the ridge and had to use a tree to chimney down. Sketch! Slopped it back to the car. Amazing weather and my longest run back since my injury. Great morning!

Sunday: 1st Flatiron + Free for "some" + Green Mtn 5.4 miles - 3,028ft

1st (19:53/2:19) Cordis showed me the variation under the Ear, and then led the way up free for all (although we didn't start from the bottom) and then took it easy up to green. Downhill conditions were prime. Left the watch running on summits. Super slow anyways so who cares.

Total: 33.1 miles - 8 hrs 10mins - 13,852ft


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